The Power of One: A Closer Look at Individual Social Responsibility

How socially responsible are you? People with social responsibility act in society's best interest, following their values to engage in activities that give back and contribute to the community and social development.

From Awareness to Action: Embracing Social Responsibility in Everyday Life

Remember when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received; only what you have given: a heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage. — ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI

Why Does Social Responsibility Matter?Linda Marshall Author's blog, The Power of One: A Closer Look at Individual Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is an emotional intelligence competency that positively impacts individuals, organizations, and governments, impacting development, business, and society. There are four forms of social responsibility: economic, environmental, philanthropic, and ethical. Supporting areas that affect the community, including advocating for political or social issues that can help others—for example, advocating for child labour laws, purchasing fair trade products, and recycling can make a significant difference to humanity. Without question, our local and global communities benefit tremendously when corporations and consumers give back to them.

Do Your Values Contribute to Our Level of Social Responsibility

Yes, I firmly believe our values impact how we give back to others. I focus on values, self-awareness, and social awareness when facilitating emotional intelligence coaching, training, and workshops for individuals and businesses. Understanding who we are and how we can serve others is fundamental to connecting with our values. When our values integrate social responsibility, we make a difference in our community and the world.

Qualities of Socially Responsible People

Do you ever wonder why some people give back unconditionally to others? I have surveyed a group of people about their thoughts on the following question: "What are the characteristics of socially responsible individuals who want to support and give back to others?" Here are their responses:

  • They are born with altruistic traits.

  • They are wealthy.

  • They have a generous nature.

  • They possess strong values.

  • They're compassionate.

Here is what I know to be true about socially responsible people:

  • They are authentic.

  • They are willing to be vulnerable.

  • They want to learn new and better ways of doing things.

  • They understand the value of building strong teams. 

  • They lead by example.

  • They have high ethical standards.

How To Give Back to Make a Difference

We can give back and make a difference in numerous ways, including volunteering, raising money, teaching others, donating money or goods, and paying it forward. An opportunity to make a difference, #GivingTuesday happens annually on the Tuesday after Black Friday. #GivingTuesday is a movement that promotes giving and volunteering to enhance the lives of others in our communities and the world around us. This year, on #GivingTuesday, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students internationally will come together for one shared purpose: to celebrate generosity and give. 

gratitude practice leads to a more joyful life, which inspires the desire to give back to others. Being socially responsible is natural when we appreciate what we have and how good our life is. In my first book, Giving Back, How to Find Your Personal Joy and Make a Difference to Others, I write about the impact of giving back.

Consider taking a few moments to reflect and reflect on your values. Ask yourself if there is more you can do to give back and make a difference to become more socially responsible. Think about participating in the #GivingTuesday Movement.

This article was originally published on November 1, 2022, and has been updated (January 2024).

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The Power of Emotion Book, Linda Marshall Author

The Power of Emotion Book, Linda Marshall Author


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