The Power of Emotion

Linda Marshall's second book - The Power of Emotion, A Practical Guide to Making The Most Of Your Emotional Intelligence, presents us with thought-provoking tips on the incredible power emotional intelligence has on individuals, both personally and professionally.

Harness Your Emotional Power.

Are you aware of the tremendous influence you can have on others and the world around you? The remarkable power of your emotion impacts your influence. This power will become evident as you work your way through the chapters and exercises in this book. Your emotional awareness will increase, and you will come to appreciate that the ability to modify your behaviour is solely within you.

Your emotional intelligence is a superpower that can take you to the next level to develop your full potential. Doing so is a choice, perhaps what makes emotional intelligence so profound–it's always within reach. And it's life-altering if you choose to reach for it.

  • What I know to be true about EI as a benefit: If you ask me what the secret to success is, without a doubt, I would say building EI. The power of an individual's EI distinguishes them from others. If you're striving for success, I highly recommend you focus your energy on strengthening your EI.
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Linda Marshall Author, Ontario, Canada

Access the Superpower Within You.

Understanding the remarkable power of emotion and the opportunity you have if you challenge yourself to harness it is everything.

As an emotional intelligence thought leader and certified EI trainer, Linda Marshall is very well-versed in EI's positive impact. Having strong EI promotes better communication and relationships with others; it positively affects the quality of our lives. Her mission was to provide a practical guide to inspire readers to strengthen their emotional intelligence and enhance their lives.

The Power of Emotion will demonstrate that emotional intelligence is a superpower that can take you to the next level to develop your full potential and path your journey to excellence.


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